An Allentown biopharmaceutical firm is making progress on an oral vaccine for the COVID-19 virus that could be a game changer in the fight against the disease.
Kyle Flannigan and Garry Morefield of U.S. Specialty formulations said the ease and safety of the vaccine is what’s needed in the next stage in the fight against COVID-19 in the U.S. and around the globe. “It’s of strategic importance and an advantage to the U.S.,” said Morefield.
The week of March 13 is Patient Safety Week, and the safety of vaccine is one of its key advantages, said Flannigan. “What we’ve done is created and shown that an oral platform works. It’s stable at normal and even higher temperatures,” he said. “It doesn’t require a healthcare professional to administer it and it doesn’t require any special kind of shipping,” he said.
It’s the partners’ hope that the ease of the oral vaccine will help get the vaccine to more impoverished countries with less health care infrastructure or even more rural regions of the country where people don’t have easy access to health care.
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